Colonist Lobby

5-6 / 7-8 Players

1. Special Build Phase

Catan Colonist Special build phase flag Click the red flag button to access a Special Build Phase after each of the other players' regular turn.

You can ✅

Build roads, settlements, cities, or buy a Development Card

You cannot ❌

1. Make trades
2. Use a Development Card
3. Win during the Special Build Phase. You must wait until it becomes your turn again

2. Additional resources

5-6 Players

Catan Colonist lumber resource tile Total number of tiles 30 (extended map)
Catan Lumber Resource Card Total number of each resource card 24
Catan Buy Development Card Total number of Development Cards 34
Catan Knight Development Card Catan Victory Point Development Card Catan Year of Plenty development card Catan Road Building Development Card Catan monopoly development card
20 5 3 3 3

7-8 Players

Catan Colonist lumber resource tile Total number of tiles 37 (extended map)
Catan Lumber Resource Card Total number of each resource card 29
Catan Buy Development Card Total number of Development Cards 43
Catan Knight Development Card Catan Victory Point Development Card Catan Year of Plenty development card Catan Road Building Development Card Catan monopoly development card
26 5 4 4 4

3. Cities & Knights 5-6 Player

Catan Cities and knights level 1 knight active icon Refer to Cities & Knights rules for gameplay during the build phase, there are also actions that can be taken on Knights.

You can ✅

Buy Knights
Activate Knights
Upgrade Knights

You cannot ❌

Displace an opponent's Knight
Use the Robber

4. FAQ

● May I play a Development Card I bought in Special Build Phase, right before my regular turn?

Yes, you are allowed to play that Development Card in your turn. The Special Build Phase right before your turn is not part of your regular turn.

● May I perform a Knight action with a Knight I activated in Special Build Phase right before my turn?

Yes, you are allowed to use that Knight in that turn. The Special Build Phase right before your turn is not part of your regular turn.