
1. New Game Pieces

Catan Seafarers ship facing north west Ships allow you to travel across sea tiles to discover new islands
Catan Seafarers pirate ship icon Pirate Ship blocks player ships from being placed or moved, and also steals a resource
Catan Seafarers sea tile Sea hexes are what you build ships on
Catan Seafarers Gold Tile Gold tiles give you a resource of your choice when their number is rolled

2. Ships

Build ships to discover new islands & resources to build settlements on.

Catan Seafarers ship facing north west Ship = Catan Lumber Resource Card Catan Wool Resource Card Lumber + Wool

Open routes - Once per turn, you may move a ship that is not connecting settlements.
Closed routes - Ships that are connecting settlements cannot be moved.

Seafarers ships and trade routes
Ships must start from & connect to a settlement. They cannot start from a road.

3. Longest Trade Route

Catan Longest Road Icon Longest Trade Route replaces Longest Road for 2 Points.
Build a minimum of 5 roads, ships, or a combination of both to get the Longest Trade Route.
Seafarers longest trade route

4. Robber and Pirate Ship

Catan Robber Piece Icon or Catan Seafarers pirate ship icon Whenever a 7 rolls, the player can choose to move either the Robber or the Pirate Ship.
Seafarers robber and pirate ship

Pirate Ship does the following:

  • Can only be placed on a sea tile
  • Allows players to steal from opponents with ships on that tile
  • Blocks players from building new ships on that tile
  • Blocks players from moving ships to and from that tile

5. Discovering New Islands

Get an additional 2 Points for the first settlement you build on a new island in the following Scenarios: New Shores, Four Islands, Though The Desert (building across the desert will also grant 2 additional VPs).

Seafarers discovering new islands

Some maps might have a Fog tile which will uncover a random resource or sea tile. You will get a free resource every time you reveal a fog tile.

Seafarers fog tiles

6. Gold Tiles

Catan Seafarers Gold Tile Gold tiles give you a resource of your choice when their number is rolled

7. Points to Win

The first person to get to 13 Points is the winner (this might change depending on the Scenario).
Get points by doing the following:

Golden Catan Settlement +1 point Build a settlement
Golden Catan City +1 point Upgrade a settlement to a city
Catan Longest Road Icon +2 points Have the Longest Trade Route (5 roads/ships minimum)
Catan Largest Army Icon +2 points Get the Largest Army. Playing a minimum of 3 Knight Development Cards is required to get this achievement
Colonist plus two icon +2 points Build a settlement on an island
Catan Victory Point Development Card +1 point Buy Development Cards for a chance to get a +1 Point Card

8. FAQ

● Can I build roads, settlements, and cities next to the Pirate Ship?

Yes, the Pirate only blocks ships from being placed or moved.